Resource Central is a product of the Pediatric Pandemic Network.

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) & Autism Resource Guide

Families & Children Schools & Childcare Providers

In this Resource Guide we are sharing PPN Resource Central links to information that may be helpful for caregivers of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and Autism in an emergency or disaster situation.

Search the Resource Central website for more resources with keywords: Disabled Children, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autistic Disorder, or Health Services for Persons with Disabilities for more information.

Autistic preschooler with headphones coloring alone in class

Autism Speaks Natural Disaster Resources

This webpage provides resources and tips from Autism Speaks to help families with autism prepare for and cope with natural disasters safely.

Disabled child in a wheelchair being helped by a special needs carer
Summary Job Aid

Be Ready: Tips for Families of Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs

This resource provides tips for families with special healthcare needs to prepare for emergencies, including making plans, gathering supplies, and staying informed in multiple languages.

Mother helping disabled son walk in walker outdoors
Summary Toolkit

Caring for Children in a Disaster: Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs in Emergencies

This CDC webpage describes how to prepare and care for children with special healthcare needs during emergencies, ensuring their safety and well-being in disasters.

Checklist box
Job Aid

Emergency Preparedness Tool Kit for People with Disabilities

This toolkit describes how people with disabilities can prepare for emergencies, offering practical tips and resources to ensure their safety during unexpected situations.

Seven years old boy with crutches sadly looks out of the window

Individuals with Disabilities & Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs, Pre/Post Disaster

This webinar describes how people with disabilities and families of children with special health care needs can prepare for disasters.

Asian disability boy learning color Painting in classroom with Autism girl in special school with female teacher

School Safety Drills and Exercises for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Tips and Resources for Educators

This page describes how to safely conduct school drills for students with autism, offering tips and resources to help educators reduce anxiety and ensure safety.