Resource Central is a product of the Pediatric Pandemic Network.

Family Emergency Readiness

Families & Children

January is Family Readiness for Emergencies and Disasters Awareness Month. These resources from PPN's Resource Central can help families prepare for the unexpected by creating evacuation plans, assembling supply kits, and discussing what to do in the event of an emergency.

Search the Resource Central website for more resources with keywords: family emergency or disabled children and disaster planning for more information.

Hurricane Evacuation Route Sign

Make a Plan

This site offers step-by-step guidelines on developing a comprehensive emergency plan, including tips on communication strategies, evacuation routes, and emergency kit essentials.

Woman and child with CP using a tablet
Summary Job Aid

Be Ready: Tips for Families of Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs

This website provides information to improve the knowledge and increase the preparedness of families of children with special healthcare needs on the topic of disaster preparedness.

Little boy near the destroyed house

Disaster Preparedness and Response

The National Emergency Child Locator Center offers resources for families and communities to prepare for emergencies. Involving kids in these preparations can make them feel safer before, during, and after a disaster.

Top view of unrecognizable mother explaining to her children the assembly point map while preparing emergency backpacks

Disaster Preparedness Activities for Your Family

This document is an activity sheet on disaster preparedness for children, including interactive exercises such as creating a family emergency plan, assembling an emergency kit, and learning about different types of disasters.

Closeup of the emergency contact information field on a patient information form
Job Aid

Family Preparedness Wallet Card

This wallet card helps families plan and stay safe during emergencies, providing quick access to important information and contacts.

Father and son assemble the emergency evacuation bag together and put necessary items into backpacks
Job Aid

The Road to Readiness: Preparing your Family for Disasters

This toolkit offers guidance on identifying risks, working with partners, creating a preparedness plan, assembling a supplies kit, supporting children emotionally, and accessing additional resources.