Assessment of Effectiveness and Impact of Universal Prophylaxis With Nirsevimab for Prevention of Hospitalizations Due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Infants. The NIRSE-GAL Study Protocol
- Narmeen Mallah; Sonia Ares-Gómez; Jacobo Pardo-Seco; Alberto Malvar-Pintos; María-Isolina Santiago-Pérez; Olaia Pérez-Martínez
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This article describes the NIRSE-GAL study in Galicia, Spain that aims to assess nirsevimab's effectiveness against RSV-related hospitalizations and other infections. Nirsevimab is licensed for universal RSV prevention in infants. Immunization campaigns target infants based on age and risk factors, lasting the whole season. Follow-up includes monitoring outcomes and estimating effectiveness using regression models. The study was approved by the ethics committee and will share findings through publications and conferences.
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