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Identifying Physical Abuse in Children

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    Prehospital professionals share the critical responsibility of ensuring the welfare and safety of those in their care. However, there are times where their duties extend beyond immediate medical attention to encompass recognizing signs that something deeper is wrong; especially in vulnerable populations like children.

    The topic of this module is identifying physical abuse in children. The subject is emotionally charged and undoubtedly difficult to discuss. Yet it is essential for each of us to be well equipped to identify and respond appropriately to suspected cases of child abuse.

    The learning objectives for this module are:

    Role of Prehospital Professionals: Explain the critical role of prehospital clinicians in child safety and their responsibility to provide initial, accurate house information.

    Red Flag & Sentinel Injuries: Identify key signs and sentinel injuries that may indicate child abuse and how they can prevent further harm.

    Diagnostic Tools and Mnemonics: Utilize the "TEN-4-FACES-P" mnemonic and the "two and below, all skin must show" guideline for quick and effective abuse detection.

    Legal and Ethical Duties: Show awareness of mandatory reporting laws and the importance of accurate documentation for child safety.

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    The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It does not substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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