Assessing Functional Needs Sheltering in Pike County, Kentucky: Using a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response
- Amy Kolwaite; W. Gary Hlady; Matthew Simon; Betsy Cadwell; W. Randolph Daley; Aaron Fleischauer
PMID: 24444133DOI:
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This article describes a study in Pike County, Kentucky, where severe weather from 2009 to 2011 caused damage and shelter needs. Researchers used a survey called Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) to plan for future emergencies. They interviewed 210 households and found that many had young children or elderly adults. Common health issues included heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, and asthma. Some residents needed special care like oxygen or help moving around. The study suggests that people should keep extra medicine at home and emergency plans should include transportation for those with physical limitations and enough medical supplies in shelters.
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