The Use of Haddon’s Matrix to Plan for Injury and Illness Prevention at Outdoor Music Festivals
- Alison Hutton; Christine Savage; Jamie Ranse; Deb Finnell; Joan Kub
PMID: 25723292DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X15000187
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Mass-gathering music events, like outdoor music festivals, heighten the risks of injuries and illnesses due to alcohol and drug availability and close contact among attendees. This report utilized Haddon's matrix to analyze the factors leading to incidents at 26 festivals in Australia. By examining past patient trends, researchers identified key risk elements for each health issue. Findings revealed that the host, agent, and physical/social settings influenced injury occurrences. While physical conditions can be managed through safety protocols, addressing social aspects poses challenges. The study emphasizes the need for comprehensive interventions before and during events to prevent health issues effectively.
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