Comparison of Computerized Patients versus Live Moulaged Actors for a Mass-casualty Drill
- Ilene Claudius; Amy Kaji; Genevieve Santillanes; Mark Cicero; J. Joelle Donofrio; Marianne Gausche-Hill
PMID: 26265451DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X15004963
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The article discusses the comparison between two modalities for educating and training medical students in mass-casualty incident (MCI) triage - computer-based simulated victims and live moulaged actors using the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment mass-casualty triage tool. The study found that medical students triaged live actors more accurately and quickly than computerized scenarios. Live moulaged actors were perceived to provide a more realistic experience and higher stress levels compared to computerized simulations. The results indicate that while computerized scenarios are more convenient, they offer less fidelity for MCI training purposes. The study suggests that live actors may be more effective for MCI drilling.
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