Disaster Preparedness in Families With Children With Special Health Care Needs
- Holli Bagwell; Rebecca Liggin; Tonya Thompson; Kristin Lyle; Allison Anthony; Matthew Baltz
PMID: 27630005DOI: 10.1177/0009922816665087
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The article discusses the challenges faced by children with special health care needs (CSHCN) in terms of disaster preparedness. A study conducted at the Arkansas Children's Hospital Medical Home Clinic aimed to assess the impact of a disaster supply starter kit intervention on CSHCN families' preparedness. The study, using a 1-group pre-post cohort design, found significant improvements in preparedness levels post-intervention. The percentage of families with Emergency Information Forms increased from 43% to 79%, while those with a disaster kit rose from 18% to 99.6%. The results suggest that an affordable educational disaster kit can enhance preparedness, warranting further research on sustainability and wider dissemination.
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