Tabletop Application of SALT Triage to 10, 100, and 1000 Pediatric Victims
- Nicholas McGlynn; Ilene Claudius; Amy Kaji; Emilia Fisher; Alaa Shaban; Mark Cicero
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This study examined the Sort, Access, Life-saving interventions, Treatment and/or Triage (SALT) triage system for handling mass-casualty incidents with 10, 100, and 1,000 pediatric victims. It explains that as the number of casualties increases, the agreement among raters decreases. The study used data from a trauma center to simulate these scenarios and found that more patients were labeled as having minor injuries when there were more victims. However, those categorized as "expectant" remained stable across scenarios. Overall, it shows that SALT has poor reliability in large-scale emergencies involving children.
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