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Medical Operations Coordination Centers Toolkit, Third Edition

This Medical Operations Coordination Centers (MOCCs) Toolkit offers considerations aimed at assisting state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments, cooperative entities such as health care coalitions (HCCs) or trauma/emergency medical services (EMS) regions, and health care systems to ensure optimal balancing of patients across health care facilities and systems. Healthcare providers can use this toolkit to ensure patients receive the highest available level of care during disasters or on a day-to-day basis. This toolkit describes functions and operating considerations for MOCCs at three levels: 1. Sub-State, Regional Medical Operations Coordination Centers (RMOCCs) 2. State Medical Operations Coordination Centers (SMOCCs) 3. Interstate Medical Operations Coordination Centers (IMOCCs) Additional supporting documents are included in the appendices.

Emergency Management Stage: Preparedness (Prevention / Protection)

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