A Timely Assessment of Pediatric Surge Capacity and Capability
- Cullen Clark; Julie Leonard
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This article is a commentary on the article "A Statewide Assessment of Pediatric Emergency Care Surge Capabilities" (PMID: 36872285). The study by Li et al assesses pediatric emergency care capabilities in Massachusetts hospitals during normal and surge operations, highlighting deficiencies in preparedness. This commentary's authors point out key concepts of capacity and capability that are discussed in the study, emphasizing the importance of staffing, space, supplies, and systems. The shortage of pediatric surgical subspecialists outside major cities poses a challenge. Solutions involve just-in-time training materials and interstate agreements for patient transfer. Similar readiness issues are likely present in other states. Guidelines for surge management have been revised, with toolkits available for disaster planning. Continued federal funding is crucial for improving pediatric readiness and emergency care during disasters.
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