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CBRN Response Capabilities and Identified Gaps

Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) response has evolved significantly, with first responders now equipped for instant field identification and classification of hazardous substances. Despite advancements in detection and decontamination methods like Electrochemical, Photocatalytic, Plasma, and Nanotechnology-Based Decontamination, gaps remain in ensuring proper decontamination post-exposure. Challenges persist in coordinating hazmat entry teams, decontamination strategies, and federal response efforts. Local responders face funding constraints, emphasizing the importance of utilizing available training programs offered by organizations like FEMA and the National Fire Academy. Bridging gaps in CBRN response requires collaboration between state, federal, and local agencies to enhance preparedness and response capabilities.

Hazard: CBRNE
Emergency Management Stage: Preparedness (Prevention / Protection)