Impact of Disasters on Children with Complex and/or Special Needs
- Kate Moran; Carmen Sanchez; Laura Stough
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The length of this video is 57minutes and 37 seconds. This video resource created by the Health and Medicine Division (HMD) is a division of the National Academies of Sciences, is intended for First Responders and other healthcare professionals. Information on disaster emergency management preparedness is provided with focus on working with families and children with access and functional needs during and after disasters. This video includes 2 presentations: "Needs of Students with Disabilities and Families During Disasters" (Dr. Kate P. Moran and Carmen Sanchez, U.S. Department of Education) and "From Hurricane Katrina to Paradise Wildfires, Exploring Themes in Disaster Human Services: Children and Youth with Special/Complex Needs" (Dr. Laura M. Stough, Texas A&M Academic Institution).
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