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Two-Part Webinar: Disaster Resilience and Health Insurance Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign

Health Professionals Advocate: the fossil fuel divestment campaign targeting health insurers
Speaker: Dr. Ashley McClure

Learning objectives:
1. Discuss climate change hazards to health care facilities and resultant supply chain, energy system, and hospital infrastructure disruptions with specific case examples

2. Demonstrate awareness of guidance documents and toolkits to address local vulnerabilities and build climate-resilient health systems

3. Utilize resources and take steps to prepare patients and communities for extreme weather events

4. Discuss how US Health insurer fossil fuel divestment is needed to address climate change, protect health and improve equity.

5. Identify one action you can take to leverage your trusted voice as a health professional in the health insurer fossil fuel divestment movement.

Emergency Management Stage: Preparedness (Prevention / Protection)

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